This unique Kashmir van het Schuttershof stallion offers a great opportunity to acquire a potential sport horse. Kashmir van het Schuttershof needs no introduction, being the sire of All In, ridden by Peder Fredricson, and many other top horses. The dam's side also boasts an impressive pedigree, with names such as Chatman, Takashi van Berkenbroeck, Avontuur, and Fleuri du Manoir, all of which have made significant contributions to breeding.
This Kobalt van de Klotputten stallion himself possesses excellent movement and a smooth canter, making him an attractive option.
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Kashmir van Schuttershof
Nabab de Reve
Quidam de Revel
Melodie en Fa
Fines van Kameren
Tenor Manciais
Corofino I
Takashi van Berkenbroeck
Prestige by Stephex
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